I’m over the Huffington Post…

There was a time when I thought the Huffington Post was a interesting website, primarily because it wasn’t the typical news site (existing newspaper/channel) and I like all things new. Since the beginning of year I have noticed that the journalism on this site has been on a gradual slide towards uselessness… which to me …

Don’t put people in a box

Obama isn’t getting the “Latino vote” Huckabee has the “white evangelical vote” My blood starts to boil when I hear those types of words coming out of peoples mouths. People are more valuable… more complex than the marketing firms and political analysts out there care to believe. I’m in the 25 – 40 demographic… I’m …

Sports Illustrated

I have always enjoyed reading Sports Illustrated every week, but lately I have felt like I get enough sports news on websites and rss feeds. I want something different. I have been thinking of possibly subscribing to the Economist, but I am open to different options. I enjoy current events, politics, religion, business/investing and economics. …

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